DoorDash x Hospitals is an ethnographic study and solution based on the hyperlocal context of hospital workers

Timeline --
Fall 2023
5 weeks
Role --
User Researcher
Product Designer
For --
User Centered Design
Programs --
Adobe CC
     Ps, Ind, Ai
Delivering Care
DoorDash is a food-ordering platform widely used by millions of people. But there's one subgroup that they have yet to reach - hospital workers.

To aid DoorDash in finding their ground in this new context, we went directly into the setting to observe and interview the ER department. Through this, we gained insights and applied them to construct a tailored solution.

Project done in collaboration with:
Kaitlyn Chuang, Amiti Arunmozhi, & Andrea Fairchild


Who Are They?
The ER Department
The ER department is a specialized unit that's always on alert.

With the nature of their work, they are never sure of what's to come, making their schedules uncertain and their meal times up in the air.


Gathering Intel
After speaking directly to ER workers, observing their work-shifts, and documenting details, we used our gathered data to inform our analysis.

Through journey mapping, we constructed a relative timeline of their day before going deeper into the core of their wants and needs with mind-mapping.


What Need Drives Them?
During the interviews, we found overlaps in the answers. This led us to construct 4 personas that represented the different ER workers, all of which tied back to their biggest, overarching need:

to feel fulfilled and content.


Levels of Need
Everyone has levels to their needs. Once the most prevalent need is met, the next is sought out.

We explored this hierarchy in the context of ER workers.


Identifying Insights
After our research and analysis, we consolidated our findings to create 4 main insights.


Speak To Their Needs
To effectively reach an audience, you must understand where they're coming from and what they're seeking out - beyond the surface level of 'a quick bite.'

ER workers are caretakers. They sacrifice their time and energy to ensure the safety and health of the people. Food is a need but so are the conditions of their patients.

So in order to reach them, DoorDash must care for the highest need of ER workers - their need to care for others.